publicclassNth { /** * Integers with a subscript, to make sure all numbers * in the array are different. */ publicstaticclassDistinctNumberimplementsComparable<DistinctNumber> { privatefinalint number, index;
/** * @param _number the value of the number. * @param _index the index of the number in the array. */ publicDistinctNumber(int _number, int _index) { this.number = _number; this.index = _index; }
/** * @return the value of the number. */ publicintvalueOf() { return number; }
/** * Compare {@code this} and {@code b}. If the value of the two are the * same, compare the index. * * @param b the object to be compared. * @return an integer, if {@code x < y} then {@code x.compareTo(y) * < 0}, if {@code x > y} then {@code > 0}, if {@code * x = y} then {@code = 0}. */ @Override publicintcompareTo(DistinctNumber b) { if (this.number != b.number) { returnthis.number - b.number; } else { returnthis.index - b.index; } }
/** * Convert a {@code int[]} to {@code DistinctNumber[]}. * * @param intArray the {@code int} array want to be converted. * @param distinctArray the {@code DistinctNumber} array want * to be saved into. * @return the array after converting. */ publicstatic DistinctNumber[] intArrayToDistinctArray(int[] intArray, DistinctNumber[] distinctArray) { for (inti=0; i < intArray.length; ++i) { distinctArray[i] = newDistinctNumber(intArray[i], i); } return distinctArray; }
/** * Convert a {@code int[]} to {@code DistinctNumber[]}. * * @param intArray the {@code int} array want to be converted. * @return the array after converting. */ publicstatic DistinctNumber[] intArrayToDistinctArray(int[] intArray) { DistinctNumber[] distinctArray = newDistinctNumber[intArray.length]; return intArrayToDistinctArray(intArray, distinctArray); }
/** * Convert a {@code DistinctNumber[]} to {@code int[]} . * * @param distinctArray the {@code DistinctNumber} array want * to be converted. * @param intArray the {@code int} array want to be saved into. * @return the array after converting. */ publicstaticint[] distinctArrayToIntArray(DistinctNumber[] distinctArray, int[] intArray) { for (inti=0; i < distinctArray.length; ++i) { intArray[i] = distinctArray[i].valueOf(); } return intArray; }
/** * Convert a {@code DistinctNumber[]} to {@code int[]} . * * @param distinctArray the {@code DistinctNumber} array want * to be converted. * @return the array after converting. */ publicstaticint[] distinctArrayToIntArray(DistinctNumber[] distinctArray) { int[] intArray = newint[distinctArray.length]; return distinctArrayToIntArray(distinctArray, intArray); } }
/** * Use Hoare partition method to move all the numbers * in the array smaller than {@code array[pivot]} to its front, * move all the numbers larger than it to its back, and * return the final position of the number. * * @param array a non-empty array wants to be rearranged. * @param pivot an integer from {@code 0} to * {@code array.length - 1}, which represents * the position of the pivot. * @return an integer from {@code 0} to {@code array.length - 1}, * which represents the position of the pivot after rearranged. */ publicstaticinthoarePartition(DistinctNumber[] array, int pivot) { intleft=0, right = array.length - 1;
while (left < right) { /* Find two positions left and right which satisfies that array[left] > array[pivot] > array[right] and left <= pivot <= right. */ while (left < pivot && array[left].compareTo(array[pivot]) <= 0) { left++; } while (right > pivot && array[right].compareTo(array[pivot]) >= 0) { right--; }
/* If pivot equals to left or right, which means the position of the pivot changes. So we have to change the position of the pivot before swapping left and right. */ if (pivot == left) { pivot = right; } elseif (pivot == right) { pivot = left; }
/** * Divide an array into every five integer a piece, extract * the median of each copy to the front end of the entire * array, copy the front and return it. * * @param array a non-empty {@code DistinctNumber} array want * to be rearranged. * @return a non-empty array, contains the median of each * slice. */ publicstatic DistinctNumber[] divideIntoFive(DistinctNumber[] array) { List<DistinctNumber> mediumList = newLinkedList<>(); // Median of each slice List<DistinctNumber> remainList = newLinkedList<>(); // Numbers other than the median
// Sort the slice and assign each number to each linked list Arrays.sort(slice); for (inti=0; i < slice.length; ++i) { if (i == slice.length / 2) { mediumList.add(slice[i]); } else { remainList.add(slice[i]); } } }
// Copy mediumList and remainList to the array. intindexOfChangedArray=0; for (DistinctNumber medium : mediumList) { array[indexOfChangedArray] = medium; indexOfChangedArray++; } for (DistinctNumber remain : remainList) { array[indexOfChangedArray] = remain; indexOfChangedArray++; }
// Convert mediumList to array and return. DistinctNumber[] mediumArray = newDistinctNumber[mediumList.size()]; mediumList.toArray(mediumArray); return mediumArray; }
/** * Give an {@code DistinctNumber} array and a number n, * rearrange the array to make that for all {@code i < n}, * {@code array[i] <= array[n]}; for all {@code i > n}, * {@code array[i] >= array[n]}. * * @param array a non-empty {@code DistinctNumber} array want * to be rearranged. * @param n an integer from {@code 0} to {@code n - 1}. */ publicstaticvoidnthElement(DistinctNumber[] array, int n) { if (n >= array.length) { thrownewArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("n cannot " + "greater than the size of array"); }
/** * Give an array and a number n, rearrange the array to make * that for all {@code i < n}, {@code array[i] <= array[n]}; * for all {@code i > n}, {@code array[i] >= array[n]}. * * @param array a non-empty array want to be rearranged. * @param n an integer from {@code 0} to {@code n - 1}. */ publicstaticvoidnthElement(int[] array, int n) { DistinctNumber[] distinctArray = DistinctNumber.intArrayToDistinctArray(array); nthElement(distinctArray, n); } }